The Trident Foundation (Mediation and Telehealth)
From Mission to Services

From Mission to Services

Moving between our mission and providing services.
We offer services to you combining head (cognition), heart (empathy), and hand (practice)!





Moving between our mission and providing services.
The fabric of our being is closely connected to the complex network of this world, and even the smallest change can result in significant outcomes. At first, these modifications might not be apparent, but beneath the exterior lies a plethora of actions similar to the concealed depths of a woods.


We investigate different points of entrance to create a setting where people can optimize their health. We then go over the services in more depth. As an example, we offer a few components and techniques that could be used with the services we provide.


It’s our mission to create an inclusive and welcoming environment that promotes perspective transformation and is cognizant of human rights. To achieve this, we are dedicated to offering a variety of services:

  • Mediation: a conflict management tool.
  • Counselling: emotional support.
  • The arts: a creative outlet.
  • Supports: customised to your needs and situations.

Eventually we strive to foster tangible, long-term benefits for the public, for example, by incorporating creative approaches. Moreover, through these models, we look forward to making a small but meaningful impact on people and the planet one step at a time. Ultimately, our mission is to facilitate meaningful change for people from all walks of life and strengthen the public interest.  We strive to strengthen and broaden connections and ideas that promote beneficial transformations. These encompass people and eco-friendly solutions from various sectors such as government, businesses, and hybrid organizations.


Moving between our mission and providing services.
The observations we made in Revelstoke left us in awe, confirming that this region is indeed a hidden gem.


Our vision is to create a more harmonious and healthy planet, facilitating human rights and respect for all people and the planet. Subsequently  we strive to achieve this, for example, by seeking out information about innovative trends. Eventually these initiatives could focus on economic development, environmental sustainability, safety standards, and quality of life. Moreover we track movements regarding advancing education and human rights.


Standing at the core of our values are people and the planet and human rights. These rights are often reflected in economic growth and development projects and environmental consciousness initiatives. Liberties are important aspects of operational actions, pathways to fair compensation, and other person-centred policies, practices, and solutions.

Strategic Plans

We have incorporated into our plans the concept of inherent human dignity and the belief that every person deserves respect.

Present Adaptive Planning and Procedures

In today’s rapidly changing digital landscape, the significance of having an online presence has become increasingly important for organizations of all sizes. Meanwhile with the vast amount of information available, it is crucial to prioritize simplicity as an effective approach. However, what may be considered simple for one organization could be perceived as more complex for others.


Moving between our mission and providing services.
When you become anxious, you might become inert (freeze), fight or flee from others and the physical environment.


We’re devoted to delivering long-term solutions, not quick fixes. Our approach offers mediation, counseling, whole-of-person support, and the arts.

Building creative solutions are at the forefront of our approach— we understand that by using innovative entry points, they can create whole-of-person support.


Moving between our mission and providing services.
Big Chief, also known as Canmore in Gaelic, along with his companions, take a moment to contemplate and rejuvenate.

Core Values

We prioritize core values for the advancement of education, as well as for the promotion of human rights. We provide human rights informed mediation, counselling, whole-of-person support, and the arts to best serve those in need. Human rights principles incorporating the following certainly guide us.

  • Access to fair hearings
  • Assembly and association
  • Autonomy
  • Economic strategies
  • Family life
  • Freedoms of expression, thoughts, and consciousness
  • Humane treatment
  • Mobility
  • Privacy

Rights and Freedoms

These could be incorporated in:

  • Economic growth and development proposals
  • Environmental consciousness strategies
  • Human resource criteria and expertise
  • Operational action plans
  • Pathways to fair compensation
  • Person-centred solutions
  • Safety standards
  • Strategic vision
  • Technical sustainability

We are dedicated to offering meaningful support while upholding core values and human rights.  We stand firm in our commitment to recognize fundamental human rights principles and provide fair compensation for everyone involved. This includes providing quality of life considerations involving people and the planet, and freedoms of thought and expression.


Moving between our mission and providing services.
Enhancing your resilience can be achieved through various methods such as building a solid social support system, prioritizing self-care, identifying a meaningful purpose, seeking solace in serene environments such as the Spilmacheen River, and reaching out for assistance when needed.


So What?

You may think your problems are sweeping you off your feet. It can be challenging to reach out for help. We suggest practical tips and tricks for optimized living. Furthermore support should be diverse to meet your individualized requirements. We set out to see you succeed, regardless of your needs and circumstances. Improved health reduces such challenges as heart complaints, diabetes, and stroke. Next, let’s explore our service philosophy and offerings.

Philosophy and Practices. Exploring different types of services

When you move towards resolving relationship conflicts and impasses, there are numerous ways you can receive help. Mediation, counselling, and support services are some of the most commonly used options. Consequently you may recognise that each of these types offer a variety of advantages and disadvantages. These should be carefully weighed before deciding which suits your life context best.


Support services are designed to help you in meeting your current needs and perspectives. Meanwhile this can aid you to feel calmer when faced with sudden life events like illness, disability, bereavement, and relationship challenges, among others. Support ranging from, for example,  information, referrals, to coordination can be beneficial in serving you and your family and friends.

If you are going through tough periods in your life, support will ideally adapt to meet your changing whole-of-life situations. Presently you may fall out of the scope of specialized programs and benefit from generalised support services. Moreover these services can be invaluable tools for managing difficult events in life. For example, they can provide opportunities for managing  conflicts while working together to come up with tailored solutions that meet your requirements. Also, these services often give you the chance to express your grievances and feelings without fear of judgment or retribution.


The benefits of mediation, counselling, and support services don’t stop there— they can also help reduce litigation costs and time spent in court. Also, this is especially true when dealing with relationship-related issues such as job allocation and time management at home and work. Furthermore, these services might provide education and support for all parties involved, sometimes regardless of the situation at hand. For instance, mediation sessions may help you understand each other’s perspective better to find an amicable solution that works for all of you. For instance these services can provide guidance from a more objective standpoint while still considering the unique circumstances of each situation.

Mediation, counselling, and support services offer you numerous advantages in managing difficult times in life. These advantages range, for example,  from suggestions as to how to resolve conflicts to reducing litigation costs and offering education and support to all involved parties. Afterward read about your service options and build a preliminary understanding of the various benefits of these.Consequently  you can be better informed to decide which one best suits your current needs.


Moving between our mission and providing services.
Are you tired of feeling like you’re constantly pushing a boulder uphill, just like the legendary Sisyphus from ancient Greek mythology? We support you in breaking free from that endless cycle.


We offer services based on your particular needs and situations to support your quality of life. Please take a look at the sample helping approaches below.


Before, during and after sessions, you have enhanced opportunities for:

  • Becoming aware of policy-informed models.
  • Brainstorming definitional boundaries and alternatives.
  • Certainly critical thinking.
  • Enacting individual and socially transformative potential.
  • Exploring decisions.
  • Focusing on needs and realities.
  • Identifying narratives.
  • Increasing compassion and strengths.
  • Moving beyond positions to interests.
  • Recognizing or summoning your courage to take risks while generating choices.
  • Reevaluating conflict analysis.


As you prepare, participate and reflect on sessions, you have circumstances for:

  • Co-rewriting life scripts and social roles.
  • By the same token creating options.
  • Exploring biological, psychological and social needs and triggers. 
  • Identifying strategic and solutions-centred perspectives.
  • Reflective learning is often equally important.
  • Revisiting personal and social conversations to separate the person from their questionable behaviours.

The Arts


Moving between our mission and providing services.
The Columbia National Wildlife area is one of BC’s living treasures.


Your fantasies can have creative merit! Through the arts and aesthetics, perceptions and lived experiences that stem from the unconscious can be identified, acknowledged and addressed. Photography is an example of the digital and visual arts; artistic expression is part of being human.

Analytical psychologist Carl Gustav wrote in “Memories, Dreams and Reflections” (1961) about his time during 1918-1919 at the Chateau d’Oex in Switzerland. Here he drew daily in a notebook. An “aesthetic lady” told Jung that the “…fantasies arising from my unconscious had artistic value and could be with the help of these drawings I could observe my psychic transformations from day to day” (page 220).

Your emotions and cognitions vary; the arts could be another way to identify and release inner tensions and challenges. For example, sometimes you better manage an obstacle or a need if you are consciously aware of this. Overall, Jung created and enjoyed reflecting on others’ artworks. Drawings continue today; perhaps modern-day equivalents are the digital and visual arts. Furthermore we can support you in actively drawing on these arts:

  • Adding to your therapeutic techniques and strategies.
  • At the same time embracing your inner child.
  • Identifying functional and questionable personal and social patterns. 
  • Increasing conscious awareness of your inner physical, cognitive and psychological processes. 
  • Recognizing implicit symmetry and form, even your fantasies appear at first to be chaotic.

Applying the arts and aesthetics, meditation or counselling to lessen or prevent life problems may not suit you; one size does not fit all!


Moving between our mission and providing services.
Let us collaborate on designing sustainable solutions and gain insight into the processes that contribute to life challenges.

Guiding Principles

We customize guiding policies and practices to your contexts and adapt them to meet your needs and situations. After exploring your needs, we work with you to create an action plan to enhance your:

  • Personal and social development.
  • Rights.
  • Stamina.

Our not-for-profit organizations respect your inherent dignity and offer support such as: 

  • Counselling.
  • Customized supports incorporating the arts.
  • Mediation.
  • Cognitive behavioural.
  • Positive-centred.
  • Psychosocial. 
  • Reality-based.
  • Solution-oriented.

In addition supports are multifactorial and assist you as you continue the unexplored journey of self and society. Change can happen at multiple entry points throughout the human lifecycle. Analytical psychology has been criticized for lacking substantial and immediate change momentum (See, i.e. John Watson and B.F. Skinner). However, post-Jungians continue to refine what is a significant force in interdisciplinary practice and theory. You can benefit from structures and processes customized to your situation in interacting with others and the environment. We value returning visitors and are excited to greet you if you are new to our services.


Moving between our mission and providing services.
The rugged and grandiose peaks and valleys, like those in Banff National Park, are often depicted in drawings that may become cherished by multiple generations of families.


In summary, choosing the right type of service to fit your needs is a critical component in optimizing your capacity and potential. Think about what kind of help would be useful and what outcomes you aspire to accomplish. Eventually once you have identified these criteria, then you can have an entry point to exploring service options to meet your requirements.


Venture forth and remember to chose an option often with its own benefits and drawbacks. Also build a foundational understanding of the similarities and the differences between these services. Next, you can be better placed to choose which type of service best meets your situation, considering factors such as cost-effectiveness and timeliness. However wdo not provide medical or legal advice. For this advice, please consult a physician or lawyer.

One size does not fit all! Some individuals face disproportionate challenges and require specific and customized services. We support you based on your unique needs and situation. Set up an initial free telephone-based consultation by phoning us or filling out the contact form. Please do not provide financial information; we do not reply to Spam or provide legal advice.

This page describes our commitment to advancing education and recognizing human rights, as well as our mission, goal, values, and strategic plan. We discuss in the blog post “About” issues like the procedure for determining your requirements. Thank you for having taken the time out of your day to visit and read this message!

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