The Trident Foundation (Mediation and Telehealth)

The Trident Foundation (Mediation and Telehealth)


TMCSF Established 1998. We offer services to you combining head (cognition), heart (empathy), and hand (practice)!



In these magnificent settings, we find a sense of balance that enables us to effectively evaluate our life priorities, including our service ethic.

Learning Objectives

Upon reviewing this material, it is anticipated you will gain insights into the following areas:
  • Our objectives, which include valuing and supporting you from the very first interaction;
  • Your option to reach out to us “24/7”, to schedule an initial 30 minute pre-session, which is often complimentary. We encourage discovery calls;
  • The first session: During your initial pre-session, you can have the opportunity to share aspects of your story with us;
  • Our commitment to value privacy and confidentiality through reasonable measures;
  • The role of speaking figuratively;
  • Our flexible fee structure; and,
  • Acquiring straightforward relaxation techniques to help you manage stress while promoting emotional well-being.

Topics Covered

  • The following elements are presented:
  • We extend a warm welcome to you;
  • Hours of operation;
  • Beginning to get in touch;
  • Commencing your journey with us;
  • Metaphorically speaking;
  • Evaluation of expenses and additional considerations;
  • Optimising techniques for relaxation; and,
  • How to contact us.


Devote effort to fostering relationships via mediation, improving your quality of life through counselling, and support services.

Extending to You a Heartfelt Welcome

We are pleased to welcome you to TMCSF’s and TMCASF’s Home Page.

At the heart of the Trident Mediation, Counselling, and Support Foundation (TMCSF), founded in 1998, is a commitment to providing holistic services aimed at fostering personal and collective growth through mediation, counselling, and support. Over the years, our work has expanded from the provincial level to a national platform. In 2017, we established the Trident Mediation, Counselling, Arts, and Support Foundation (TMCASF) to incorporate artistic expression into our healing and development initiatives


Are you more at home in: the mountains, coastlines, wetlands, or beyond?
A home to Mediation, counselling, the arts, and support

These touch on many aspects of personal growth, relationships, and well-being involving the following

Accessing ONLINE and In-Person Mediation

We offer tools for conflict management in relationships through online and in-person mediation. This can help ease tensions and improve relationships.


Supporting individuals, couples and partnerships to build emotional resilience can enhance their ability to navigate stress, overcome challenges, and strengthen relationship bonds.

Discovering COUNSELLING and Travel

Integrating travel experiences with counselling can offer unique retreats for reflection, healing, and personal growth, while experiencing new environments.

Engaging in Relationships COUNSELLING

Relationships counselling can be crucial for improving communication, managing conflicts, and fostering long-term relationship health. This can be a core focus of support services.

Exploring Online Dispute MANAGEMENT

Online tools for dispute resolution may provide accessible methods for people to address conflicts in a semi-structured manner without being physically present.

Gaining Insight into Telehealth Services

Offering telehealth services expands access to mental health support, making it easier for people to receive support, especially in remote areas or for those with busy schedules.

Optimising Foundational HUMAN RIGHTS

Ensuring that people understand their rights within relationships, families, and territories can empower individuals to make informed decisions and access necessary support.

Participating in Adult EDUCATION and Training

Providing educational opportunities to adults, such as conflict management, and emotional intelligence training, can strengthen or lead to resilient, healthy relationships.

Reflecting on the AGING Process

Addressing how aging impacts relationships, personal identity, and family dynamics offers valuable insights for individuals, couples, and families, particularly in navigating life transitions.

Supporting Weddings, Commitments, and Premarital COUNSELLING

Offering premarital counselling and commitment planning can support couples and partnership to start their journey with conflict management skills, leading to stronger marriages.

Thinking about Human FLOURISHING

Encouraging human flourishing in relationships involves helping individuals, couples, and partnerships discover what makes them thrive emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually.

Utilising Outreach SUPPORT Services

Expanding outreach services can provide crucial support for individuals, couple, partnerships, and families in need, particularly those facing relationship challenges or access barriers to counselling.

These areas provide a holistic approach to human conditions that emphasises accessibility, growth, and well-being.


We extend a warm invitation to our residence nestled amidst the majestic mountain summits.

Home: Operating Hours

We are open to the public throughout the week to ensure accessibility to our wide range of services. Our goal is to provide flexible hours that fit into your schedule. Please feel free to visit or reach out to us during our operating hours.

You can schedule sessions with enough notice between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Also, you may leave voice messages “24/7” on
: 1 (672) 974-2705 (Canada)
: 1 (206) 809-1647 (the United States of America)

Home and Initiating Engagement with Us

Embarking on your journey with us is a straightforward process. You can begin by booking a complimentary pre-session.  Simply fill out our contact form, and we would be in touch to arrange one complimentary pre-session. Generally, you can to get in touch with us, by phone, or by sending us an email through our contact form:  How to Contact Us

Home and Getting Started with Us

Home and Intake Procedure

Our intake process recognises your unique needs and situations from the outset. This process begins with an initial pre-session, which includes a discussion of your goals. This helps us explore the best course of action, whether that involves mediation, counselling, arts-based therapies, or other support services.

Our intake process consists of a brief 30-minute initial assessment, which is generally provided free of charge. When you get in touch with us, you have the chance to talk about your specific needs and preferences. We tailor our services to best fit your requirements and contexts. You would be guided in this first step to identify the appropriate services. You could consider what you hope to accomplish, your expectations for the process, and the desired outcome. It is also important to anticipate any potential obstacles and to work out ways to lessen these. You can determine whether you need impartial mediation or compassionate counselling services.

Home and Self-Assessment

We encourage you to conduct a self-assessment. This process is designed to help you reflect on personal or relationship challenges, allowing you to better prepare for mediation, counselling, or any other support services we offer. A self-assessment can provide clarity, helping us tailor our approach to your specific needs.

You could think about the following sample questions:

  • What are your goals for this expedition of self-exploration and development?
  • What results do you anticipate achieving from these offerings?
  • Additionally, what specific challenges or concerns are you currently facing?

As you address these questions, you strengthen your understanding and motivation. This enables you to effectively participate in mediation, counselling, or assistance programs with a meaningful direction. Sometimes you may be lost for words.

You could also think about the process of sharing private and confidential information on the Internet. You are wise to think about the limitations of privacy on the Internet.  These inquiries present opportunities to enhance both your comprehension and drive. This, in turn, allows you to meaningfully engage in mediation, counselling, the arts and support. There may be instances when you find it challenging to articulate your thoughts.

Metaphors and analogies are powerful tools to understanding and present complex concepts, particularly in the context of the vast and ever-evolving Internet. The use of metaphors becomes especially useful when dealing with abstract ideas like approaches to data collection, information storage, and the meaning of human experiences.

Home: Metaphorically Speaking

Metaphors as Navigational Tools

Metaphors are one way to help people make sense of new and emerging ideas, especially as they arise in the expansive space of the internet (Blyth, 2008; Love, 1994).

Integration of Experiences

Metaphors are a means to integrate different experiences and emergent themes, particularly when approaching complex or emotionally charged topics (Klemm; Cohen et al., p. 71).

Customisation through Metaphors

Metaphors help synthesise the needs and issues people face particularly in the face of emotional and social challenges (Collison et al., 2000). 

Philosophical Implications

The philosophical questions that arise from using metaphors in human behaviour and explanatory frameworks reflect their power to shape our understanding of various contexts, including the impact of the digital divide during the rise of adult online learning.  Check out more about the digital divide in our blog post:  ONM and ODR – From Conflict to Management. To find out about our mission and how it informs service design and delivery kindly see From Mission to Services.

Potential Misapplication

While metaphors and the internet are powerful tools for connection, they can also be misapplied (Kertesz, 2015; Letters, 2013). Letters (2013) wrote, “Metaphors and analogies have long driven cross-disciplinary exchange” People who are engaged in the collection and storage of data and information perform evaluative tasks. It is essential to analyse this information, which can lead to the creation of narrative texts. Such texts offer opportunities for people to connect with one another through metaphors and broader narratives (Collison et al., 2000). 

Healing strategies designed to alleviate distress must be tailored, and metaphors often assist in beginning to synthesise needs and issues. People encounter emotional, cultural, and social challenges, and metaphors may serve as a tool to navigate through life problems. Metaphors are a means to facilitate a deeper understanding of the cultural and personal contexts that shape people’ lives. 

When assessing the vastness of the Internet, whether through the number of pages or sites, it is evident that it is immense. However, the digital divide has widened, leaving many individuals behind. Notwithstanding this, metaphors can help to bridge gaps in knowledge, understanding, and emotional connection in the context of the ever-expanding digital world. Additionally, it is prudent to consider the implications of disclosing personal and confidential information online. It is wise to reflect on the constraints surrounding privacy in the digital realm.

When you acknowledge your needs, you can take an initial step in a continuous process of self-awareness, personal, and social development.

Home Assessment of Costs and Supplementary Factors

We understand that affordability plays a critical role in accessing services. That is why we offer transparent pricing models and discuss all associated costs upfront. Additionally, some services may qualify for subsidies or other financial assistance.

Kindly remember; Your initial 30 minutes pre-session is complimentary.

We have successfully, from time to time,  reduced fees under specific circumstances. Overall, making an informed choice about which type of services best suits your situation calls for you to canvass available options.

Home Acquiring Proficiency in Relaxation Methods

Relaxation is an integral part of healing, and we emphasise the importance of achieving peace and balance through various methods. At TMCSF, we offer mindfulness techniques, meditation, and breathing exercises to reduce stress and promote mental well-being. These practices, when integrated into your daily routine, can have a lasting impact on your health and quality of life.

In Closing

In this page we provided  the following:

  • A cordial welcome;
  • Operating hours;
  • Initiating your engagement with us;
  • Embarking on your journey;
  • Figuratively speaking;
  • Assessment of costs and other factors;
  • Enhancing methods for relaxation; and,
  • How to contact us.

At TMCSF, and TMCASF, we are committed to helping people, families, and organisations thrive through our array of services that promote healing, growth, and relaxation. Whether you are seeking conflict management, counselling, artistic expression for healing, or practical support for personal development, our foundations are here to guide you each step of the way.



Blyth, C.S. (2008). Research perspectives on online discourse and foreign language learning. In  S.S. Magnan (Eds), Mediating Discourse Online (pp. 47-70). John Benjamins. 

Cohen, M.Z., Kahn, D.L., Steeves, R.H. (2000). How To Analyze The Data. In M.Z. Cohen, D.L. Kahn & R.H. Steeves (Eds.). Hermeneutic Phenomenological Research. . A Practical Guide for Nurse Researchers  (pp. 71-85). Sage. 

Collison, G., Elbaum, B., Haavind, S. & Tinker, R. (2000). Facilitating Online Learning.

Effective Strategies for Moderators. Atwood Publishing. 


Kettesz, A. (2015). The Puzzle of Thought Experiments in Conceptual Metaphor Research Foundation of Science (20 (2). Springer.


Klemm, D. E. (1986). General Introduction. In C. Hardwick and J. O. Duke (ed) Hermeneutical Inquiry. Volume 1. The Interpretation of Texts (pp. 1-55). Scholars Press. 

Loettgers (2013). Metaphors advance scientific research. Nature. 502 (7471).

Love, J.G. (1994). The Hermeneutics of Transcript Analysis. The Qualitative Report. 

Roth, Ian (2024). The Evolving Digital Divide: A Case Study of In-Person Technology Conditions After Pandemic Shifts to Distanced Education. ProQuest.