The Trident Foundation (Mediation and Telehealth)
About The Foundation

About The Foundation

About the Foundation
We offer services to you combining head (cognition), heart (empathy), and hand (practice)!




About the Foundation
About the Foundation: We place great importance on the parks of North America. One notable example is Canada’s first national park, Banff, which was established in 1885.



We were established in 1998 in Alberta; our company has expanded to serve Canadians in various provinces since 2017, providing customised services. Alberta and British Columbia have multiple connections, such as immigration and trade (Anderson, 2019). Additionally, these provinces have the Canadian Rocky Mountains in common.

Our offerings encompass mediation, counselling, the arts, and support. Additionally, we are dedicated to consistently conducting research and development to  offer the most current and efficient services to you. Our passion lies in helping you in overcoming challenges, resolving conflicts, and achieving personal growth. Moreover, we are often equipped to handle “problems in living” ranging from simple to complex issues.


About the Foundation
The Foundation’s Region. Explore a stunning highland where magnificent eagles elegantly spread their wings and soar through the sky.

Hours of Operation

You can schedule sessions with enough notice between 7:00am and 7:00pm. Also, you can leave voice messages “24/7” on
: 1 (672) 974-2705 (Canada)
: 1 (206) 809-1647 (the United States of America)

Getting Started with the Foundation

  • Intake Process


    About the Foundation
    The Foundation honours the importance of parks. Canada’s initial national park has been open to the public since 1885. Spending time in these breathtaking locations can enhance one’s self-confidence.


    Our intake process consists of a brief 30-minute initial assessment, which is generally provided free of charge. When you get in touch with us, you have the chance to talk about your specific needs and preferences. We tailor our services to best fit your requirements and situations. You will be guided in this first step to identify the appropriate services. You could consider what you hope to accomplish, your expectations for the process, and the desired outcome. It is also important to anticipate any potential obstacles and to work out ways to lessen these. You can determine whether you need impartial mediation or compassionate counselling services.

  • A Self-Check

You could think about the following sample questions:

  • What are your goals for this expedition of self-exploration and development?
  • What results do you anticipate achieving from these offerings?
  • Additionally, what specific challenges or concerns are you currently facing?

As you address these questions, you strengthen your understanding and motivation. This enables you to effectively participate in mediation, therapy, or assistance programs with a well-defined direction.

When you acknowledge your needs, you can take an initial step in a continuous process of self-awareness, personal, and social development.

  • A Foundational Approach

We co-design with you distinct strategies to alleviate and avert sorrow or anguish. You are supported to deepen your comprehension of possible personal, and shared life challenges.  Furthermore, we embrace a comprehensive approach to offer extensive assistance, considering biological, environmental, psychological, legal, and sociological elements. Our expertise enables us to cater to the diverse facets of people’s ways of life.

Exploring Four Possibilities for Individual and Community Advancement with the Foundation

  • Mediation and Counselling

    Mediation is a valuable tool for conflict management. When your realities clash, you can negotiate effectively by, for example,  enlisting an impartial third party to facilitate communication. The main objective of this process is to help you find mutually agreeable solutions, making it particularly useful in addressing disputes.

    You are likely to find that counselling can be a facilitative tool to optimise emotional support and guidance. Counsellors often create a supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. A wide range of problems, including stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, and trauma, can be successfully addressed through counselling. You can gain insights and develop coping mechanisms to overcome challenges and make informed decisions. 


    About the Foundation
    The Foundation is ready to support you in breathing and absorbing life energy. Spring’s arrival in coastal areas marks a time of renewal and growth, with beautiful flora thriving.
    • The Arts and Supports

    You can choose options that are ideally based on your particular requirements. Your issues may call for  a diverse range of resources and interventions. We customise these components to assist you in your unique situation. Art has the ability to soothe and alert us to present and upcoming environmental issues (Catlin, 2021).

    Volcanic eruptions and other disasters can lead to emotional distress and the need for evacuations. The consequences of these occurrences may result in concealed emotional wounds encompassing a variety of sentiments such as powerlessness, unease, and irritation (Clissold, et al. 2021). Outreach support services that include cultural, environmental, and spiritual approaches provide a range of resources to enhance the ability to cope with adversity.

    Our offerings encompass crisis management, educational programs, capacity development, and guided imagery sessions. One of our primary goals is to support you in optimising necessary abilities and resources to effectively manage difficult situations. In turn,  enhancing your overall well-being and quality of life.

    As you commence your search for customised services, it is essential to stay open to exploring fresh, unique, and collective viewpoints regarding your healing goals. Additionally, you can maximize the benefits of our services and set off on a transformative journey towards attaining personal and social fulfillment.


About the Foundation
The Foundation’s outreach support services cover areas such as Sicamous, British Columbia and its surroundings, which showcase a wide variety of agricultural products, positioning it as a thriving breadbasket with numerous options.


You can access online, telephone-based, or in-person meetings and choose options that are ideally based on your particular requirements and issues. Our overall health is intertwined in a vast cosmic network. It is essential to prioritize accessible means for healing people and the planet.

Considering Costs and Other Factors

Your initial 30 minutes of telephone counselling are complimentary.

We have successfully, from time to time,  reduced fees under specific circumstances. Overall, making an informed choice about which type of services best suits your situation calls for you to canvass available options.


About the Foundation
Furthermore, the Foundation offers assistance on Vancouver Island. The ocean in this area can be calm, unforgiving, and challenging for individuals, such as those working in dangerous environments to sustain worldwide supply networks.


Have you mastered the art of staying calm when faced with challenges?

Learning to Relax

You can incorporate activities that encourage relaxation, creativity, or artistic expression. These activities can be advantageous when preparing for and confronting new life challenges. Here are some suggested activities for you to consider:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation

You may dedicate a specific time each day to practicing mindfulness and meditation techniques. This can aid in reducing stress, enhancing self-awareness, and promoting relaxation. You can benefit from focusing on your breath, observing your thoughts, and cultivating a sense of calmness.

  • Tai Chi or Pilates

You might participate in physical activities to improve flexibility, balance, and overall health. Start by taking walks in your neighbourhood and gradually progress to more challenging hikes or climbs. When you participate in these exercises, you have the potential to integrate movement with controlled breathing, promoting a sense of calm and mindfulness.

  • Journaling

Use a journal to express your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. You can, through a journal have opportunities to self-reflect, problem-solve, and gain clarity on your goals and aspirations.

  • Artistic Expression

You can benefit from engaging creative activities such as painting, drawing, writing, or playing a musical instrument. These activities provide an avenue for self-expression and emotional release, allowing you to tap into your creativity and explore new perspectives.

  • Nature Walks or Outdoor Activities

You can set aside time.  Even five minutes is a beginning to spend time in nature. Here you could experience its potential calming effects on the mind and body. Take walks in natural surroundings, go hiking, or rowing.You may also engage in other outdoor activities that allow you to connect with the beauty of the natural world.


About the Foundation
The Foundation places great importance on parks. They provide opportunities for rejuvenation at different locations, such as The Inspiration Woods Trail located at Mount Revelstoke in British Columbia. This destination serves as a true source of genuine inspiration.


  • Reading and Learning

You could add reading to your routine, whether it be fiction, non-fiction, or self-help books. Your reading might include intervals at first of five minutes at a time. You can expand your knowledge, stimulate your imagination, and provide a sense of relaxation and even escapism. Remember, the key is to find activities that resonate with you personally and bring you joy. You have the chance to unwind, nurture your imagination, and equip yourself to tackle fresh obstacles. Bring back life energy, and a rejuvenated perspective by adding these activities to your routine.


About the Foundation
Your unique spots may be just outside your own home. What sights and sounds can be observed from a window or any other opening in your residence?


  • Travel

Enhancing your social connections could be achieved by altering your surroundings and embarking on a short excursion, whether it be a half-day trip, full-day outing, or weekend getaway (Durko & Patrick, 2016). The advantages of travel therapy have been recognized for many years. For instance, in (2001), Williams acknowledged the benefits of traveling for relaxation and rejuvenation.

The impact of meaningful travel on promoting well-being, such as creativity, excitement for new destinations, gaining knowledge, self-confidence, and building social connections, is significant (Kim & Chen, 2018). Similarly, Durko and Patrick (2016) proposed that vacation time can enhance satisfaction in relationships. They suggested, “From a practical perspective, the findings indicated that travel providers could utilize this information to promote travel as a way to strengthen relationships.” What individuals find memorable and valuable is often influenced by their unique characteristics and coping strategies.

Kim, Seo & Choi (2021) suggested that some individuals may extend their travels to make up for previous government restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Travel can serve as a way for individuals to assert their independence and protest against physical limitations that restricted their trips.

In summary, we were founded in 1998 in Alberta. Since then, we’ve expanded to include people from other locations. We are eager to receive your perspective on life, with any small or more substantive adjustments you may have made to relax. Moreover, we are well-equipped to create beneficial support options with you in mediation, counselling, the arts, and supports. We take pride in providing a diverse array of services such as mediation, counselling, arts, and support services.


Anderson, D. (2019, May 17). 2 provinces with deepest ties are Alberta and B.C., according to report. Canadian Broadcasting News. 

Catlin, R. (2021, June 14). The Sad Truths Behind These Unsettling Works of Art. At The Smithsonian.

Clissold, R., McNamara, K.E., Westoby, R. Raynes, & Obed, V.L. (2021). “We were all heartbroken”: Emotional wellbeing and healing after the 2017/2018 Manaro Voui eruptions in Ambae, Vanuatu. Academia.

Durko, A.M., & Patrick, J.F. (2016). Travel as Relationship Therapy: Examining the Effect of Vacation Satisfaction Applied to the Investment Model. Journal of Travel Research.

Kim, H., & Chen, J.S. (2018). The Memorable Travel Experience and is Reminiscence Functions. Journal of Travel Research.

Kim, E.E.K., Seo, K, & Choi, Y. (2021). Compensatory Travel Post COVID-19. Journal of Travel Research.

Williams, G. (2001, March 31). Travel: Travel therapy; When it all gets too much, take a holiday to revive, restore and return to your glorious best. The Mirror. The Free Library.;+When+it+all+gets+too+much,+take+a+holiday+to…-a072559287


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