How to Contact Us
How to Contact Us

How to Contact Us

This illustration depicts three triangles alongside a half sun descending behind the mountains.
TMCSF Established 1998. We offer services to you combining head (cognition), heart (empathy), and hand (practice)!


How to Contact Us. We are available all seasons. The image displays the lively shades of gold, green, and yellow that remerge as the fall season approaches.
How to Contact Us: Email or phone. Various communicative passages  exist, despite the perception of limited options at the beginning.


    Learning Objectives

    It is anticipated that by engaging with this blog, you will discover:

    • Key approaches for communication with us, including email via our website’s contact form and phone our telephone numbers;
    • Our collaborative efforts to help you design a more promising future together;
    • Explore the possibilities for in-person meetings, virtual sessions, and phone consultations, and,
    • Reflect on the various ways to connect, share your experiences, and interact with us in significant manners.

    Contact Us: Whether from a mountain peak (as illustrated here) or from a coastal shore.
    The journey that brought you to the point of reaching out to us may have traversed challenging rocky conceptual and emotional landscapes.


    Topics Covered 

    This blog presents a summary of the following topics:

    • Methods for reaching out to us.
    • An invitation to share your stories, including your priorities and objectives;
    • Discover our collaborative processes;
    • How to connect with us. Reflect on what to communicate via email;
    • Contacting us from both land and sea; and,
    • Conclusion.

    This image illustrates the stunning beauty of autumn hues.
    After a long day spent in the mountains, it can be highly beneficial to seek assistance from family, friends, and others.

    Welcome and How to Contact Us

    We appreciate your visiting or humble home on the Internet! To tailor our services more effectively, we kindly request that you provide outline information. about your objectives and priorities. These elements may include the next aspects:

    • Allocating time for relaxation and leisure;
    • Choosing  a balanced diet, including mood-enhancing foods;
    • Enhancing your physical activity levels;
    • Expanding your social support network; or,
    • Strengthening your resilience.
    Contact Us About Your Objectives and Priorities

    We are keen to understand your key priorities. Your priorities may incorporate:


    How to Contact Us: You might not be as isolated as you initially thought. This image depicts two people in communication with each other, as they reflect on the golden trees around them.
    Effective recovery can be enhanced by engaging in constructive self-dialogue and fostering significant meaningful social interactions.

    We aim to respond to inquiries promptly. To ensure our emails reach you, please check your spam folder if necessary. Activating email notifications can also facilitate smoother communication. For urgent inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us by phone.


    Please note that while we prioritise your privacy, we cannot guarantee complete confidentiality in email or chat communications. For further information, please refer to our privacy policies available on this website. By sending us communications, you consent to our provision of guidance, including addressing your needs and concerns.

    How to Contacts Us:  Share Your Narratives 

    We invite you to engage with us, whether you are on land or at sea. Your unique experiences are valuable, and we are here to help you navigate life’s complexities.


    Reach Out to Us: From an island such as Vancouver.


    Contact Us: See Your Problems From A fresh perspective

    As Allnut (2009) observed, “Photography’s use as an active device of memory and its value in documenting place for inquiry is made explicit” (p. ii). Photographs can serve many purposes—building empathy, enhancing diplomacy, driving economic or educational initiatives, facilitating training, supporting regulatory frameworks, and more. These creative and original approaches help us understand problems-in-living and their impacts on you.


    How to Contact Us. Anytime! Anywhere! Even when you are kayaking on the ocean.
    How to Contact Us: We are excited to connect with you and explore these possibilities, whether on land, sea, or betwixt, and between!


    How to Contact Us: Learn How We Work Together

    Contact Us: Co-Create Emergent Strategies

    We co-design life possibilities with you by:

    • Analytically identifying the life issues that contribute to your discomfort;
    • Developing alternatives to address situational and developmental challenges;
    • Evaluating the effectiveness of your personal and social strategies;
    • Enhancing your health and well-being while supporting your decisions to exercise the dignity of choice in goods and services;
    • Considering law-related options that might affect your circumstances, and,
    • Empowering you to remain in control as you navigate life’s complexities.


    How to Contact Us. Anytime! Anywhere! For instance, from pathways with mountains.
    How to Contact us: from Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba or elsewhere. For example,  if you find yourself in the charming alpine town of Hope, British Columbia, feel free to contact us via phone or email.


    How to Contact Us: Consider What to Share Online

    Please get in touch with us, and be aware that certain conditions and limitations may apply. Using technology creates potential benefits and disadvantages, which is why there is a concern for safeguarding sensitive information such as financial details, drivers’ licenses and other personal data.

    We often donate 30 minutes of our time for a pre-session with you. We look forward to connecting soon.

    It is essential to reflect on the aspects of personal privacy related to technology. Take the time to carefully evaluate the extent and depth of the personal information you choose to share in networked environments.


    How to Contact Us. Anytime! Anywhere! Even when you are travelling on a ferry on the ocean.
    How to Contact Us: However, it is important to consider the potential risks to personal privacy associated with technology. Take the time to carefully evaluate the extent and depth of the personal information you choose to share in networked environments.


    How to Contact Us: From Land or Sea

    You can access our website nearly anytime and from any location where Internet connectivity is available. You may even reach out to us via phone or email while you are on your sea journey.

    How to Contact Us: Try Computers and the Internet

    Cybertechnology encompasses computers, communication devices, network components, data, and multimedia (Baase, 2003; Boyes, 2014).  The Internet and its networks are often in a state of constant change and can be quite chaotic, and information is regularly evolving.

    How to Contacts Us:  Advancements in Technology can Help

    The advancements in technology are challenging the current regulations and viewpoints in maritime and other industries. The integration of technology is visible in work tasks, navigation, communication, and business processes (Sveinung, et al., 2018). Regrettably, both robust technological systems and delicate human systems are vulnerable to breaches (Clark, 2017; Direnzo, et al., 2017; Moskoff & Kaag, 2017).

    How to Contacts Us: Reach Out Through WordPress

    We have created our website applying a WordPress interface. Since 2003, WordPress has served as a popular communication platform, and it has been a delight witnessing its growth and evolution, regularly incorporating new and innovative features to connect with individuals of all generations worldwide. Also, inquire about our video-based sessions.


    How to Contact Us. Anytime! Anywhere! Even when you are on a staircase on a mountain.
    Contact Us: One of our greatest pleasures is to engage in communication with you, serving as a symbolic facilitator, as you have opportunities to refine your life choices.


    We sincerely appreciate your kindness, and as we navigate this symbolic journey and its steps, we wish to emphasise that we neither solicit nor accept donations.

    How to Contact Us. Anytime! Anywhere! As you admire a beautiful sight like a butterfly near flowers.
    Contact Us: We are eager to engage with you and investigate life opportunities!

    In Closing

    This blog post included the following elements:

    • The kind of information you may choose to share with us; and.
    • Engagement with us from either your land-based or maritime setting.



    Allnut, S. (2009). Knowing my place: learning through memory and photography. McGill University.

    Baase, S. (2003). A gift of fire. Social, legal, and ethical issues for computers and the Internet. Prentice-Hall.

    Boyes, H. (2014). Maritime cyber security: Securing the digital seaways. Resilience, security & risk in transport. Institution of Engineering and Technology. 

    Clark, B. G. (2017). Commercial maritime cyber security risk and vulnerability: What we did not know, we did not know. In J. Direnzo, N. K. Drumhiller & F. S. Roberts (Eds.). Issues in maritime cyber security (pp. 129–181). Westphalia Press.

    Direnzo, J., Drumhiller, N. K., & Roberts, F. S. (2017). Preface. In J. Direnzo, N. K. Drumhiller & F. S. Roberts (Eds.). Issues in maritime cyber security (pp. ix–xiii).  Westphalia Press.


    Kahn, R. & Stavrou, E. (2020). The executive’s guide to navigating the information universe. American Bar Association.

    Moskoff, D. B., & Kaag, W. G. (2017). Threats to global navigation. In J. Direnzo, N. K. Drumhiller, & F. S. Roberts (Eds.). Issues in maritime cyber security (pp. 3–17). Westphalia Press.

    Sveinung, H. O., Oyvind, J., Lund, M. S., Runa, 0., & Kirsi, H. (2018). Enhancing navigator competence by demonstrating maritime cyber security. The Journal of Navigation, 71 (5), 1025-1039. Cambridge University.