The Trident Foundation (Mediation and Telehealth)


TMCSF Established 1998. We offer services to you combining head (cognition), heart (empathy), and hand (practice)!


Connect with us on your way to the peaks. The mountain scenery beckons, and I must go towards the captivating landscapes, starting from Banff National Park, Alberta.


Learning Objectives

By the end of this page, it is foreseen you would be able to grasp how important it is to connect by:

  • Envisioning inclusive and accessible services: We develop strategies to make services accessible to a diverse audience, working towards inclusivity;
  • Identifying the digital divide: We explore ways to bridge technological gaps and offer support to people with limited digital access;
  • Linking across barriers: We take reasonable measures to limit obstacles in communication and outreach, creating meaningful connections despite key challenges.
  • Understanding the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in relation to cyber vulnerabilities: The Charter applies to issues of online security, privacy, and rights in the digital landscape.


Establish and nurture relationships with others, even in the face of challenges such as time constraints, remote locations, and accessibility issues.


Topics Covered

In this blog post we provide an overview of the following aspects.

Establishing Connections

Fostering a robust connection is crucial for providing meaningful support and effective guidance. This section outlines the different ways to engage with us, addressing potential digital barriers, and provides information on our mediation, counselling, arts, and support services.

Email:  How to Contact Us

Reach out to us by completing and emailing the contact form. The link for this is above. It is an easy-to-fill online form that facilitates a smooth communication process. Additionally, we offer a complimentary 30-minute pre-session to help you understand our services better.

Phone: If you prefer direct communication, feel free to call us:

Canada: 1 (672) 974-2705

United States: 1 (206) 809-1647



While computers and the Internet often do not serve as immediate solutions, they may provide us with valuable additional time to connect with family and friends, allowing us to appreciate the more meaningful moments in life.

Envisioning Inclusive and Accessible Services

If you have access to computers the Internet you can work from varying locations and store large amounts of data and information. However, if you do not have access, knowledge, or capacity then you could be disadvantaged at work and at home. Online communications, similar to other methods employed in mediation, counselling, and support are not infallible.

Bridging the Digital Divide

We understand that not everyone has easy access to computers and the Internet, and some may face challenges due to a lack of digital literacy or technical know-how. We are committed to making an effort for our services accessible to all, even with technological barriers. If you face difficulties connecting digitally, do not hesitate to call us directly for guidance and support.

Reaching Out for Support

The importance of connection cannot be overstated. We encourage you to reach out to us via email or phone for further information, consultation, or support. We are here to provide the assistance and guidance you need.

How to Connect with Us

Whether you are seeking mediation, counselling, or simply more information about our support services, we are here to help.

Connect Via Email

Connect with us via email or phone, and we can be a part of your journey. Send us an email : – How to Contact Us

If you have sent us a message and are still awaiting a reply, please check your trash/junk mail.

Connect on the Phone

(672) 974-2705 (Canada) and1 (206) 809-1647 (the United States of America).

You can connect through Telehealth. These models could  reach almost every aspect of care along the continuum. In addition to Telehealth, our services include in-clinic, geographical outreach, and other remote delivery support options.

Guidance for First-Time Connectors

For example,  you can start connecting to us by filling out the online contact form,  or calling to set up an initial 30-min pre-session.

Follow-Up and Continual Support

We aim to support you, from the first point of contact through to the completion of our service. This could include follow-up calls, feedback sessions, and ongoing check-ins.  Take a first step in reaching out, whether you  have a question, need support, or are ready to start planning. Get in touch today via your preferred contact method.

Our Approach to Connecting Across Barriers

We can provide data and information about computers and the Internet. However, we encourage you to arrange for an information technologist to help you out here. We aim for our services to be accessible to you. 

Inclusive and Accessible Services

Computers and the Internet have helped in many aspects of life from mediation to counselling and support options in adult education and training. Moreover, call centres and telecommuting may serve to give people more independence as they have the option of working from home. Also, computers and the Internet offer location adaptiveness (Editor, 2006). Additionally, Li (2024) posit that cloud technology is cost effective and has large storage capabilities


As you gaze ahead, you are met with magnificent alpine scenery, featuring steep inclines and a layer of untouched snow. This snow covers the Wilmer Wetlands in British Columbia. Here you can optimise self-value and assurance to effectively tackle challenges and stress, even in times of emergencies.


Bridging the Digital Divide 

For over two decades, starting in 1998, we have been delivering services to individuals in Canada, the United States, and beyond. We have utilised computers and the Internet to connect with people both within and outside North America. 

You may encounter challenges such as unreliable or absent Wi-Fi. Even with a stable Internet connection, access to technology is essential for connectivity. Additionally, you might lack the knowledge to operate a computer, and even if you plug in to a network, you may have concerns about the technology’s reliability or affordability. We are here to assist you!

Our dedication lies in mediation, counselling, the arts, and support services. Connect with us by email or phone. There is a scarcity of comprehensive guidebooks on achieving an ideal life. Nevertheless, substantive contentment may lie in the moments we indulge in the beauty of mountainous vistas. Let’s talk.

If you do not have consistent Internet access or access to technology, your ability to connect with others and grow personally may be impeded. This could lead to your skepticism about the benefits of technology. Additionally, the absence of proper instruction, training, or computer ownership often further exacerbates the situation.

You may feel disconnected due to the digital gap. Also, you can find it difficult to interact with others and take part in virtual events that offer assistance. Moreover, without digital literacy and skills, you could struggle to fully embrace the advantages of technology and online assistance.

Connect and Traverse the Digital Divide

The inequality in access to digital resources, known as the digital divide, can result in people with limited financial resources. They often rely on unsecured computer networks that are vulnerable to exploitation. Despite the concerns raised by these scenarios, certain people may lack awareness or clarity on their susceptibility to technological breaches. Furthermore, these people may not know how to safeguard themselves against peoples’ harmful intentions and actions. Moreover, supplementary details could include recent policy changes and global advancements in the realm of computers, the Internet, networks, and media.


Unexpected challenges may arise during your journey, however, by staying determined, you may uncover a peaceful solution in the end. This image features Fish Creek Provincial Park, Alberta.


The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

One of the fundamental elements of Canadian society is the emphasis on human rights, and it is essential that public education aligns with this principle. In Canada, any laws or initiatives that do not comply with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms can be invalidated. For example, the Supreme Court of Canada declared the Cyber-safety Act (2013) invalid in 2015. The Court found that this Act contradicted the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and lacked effectiveness. For instance, in 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada invalidated the Cyber-safety Act (2013) due to its perceived inconsistency. However, it is possible that the creators of the act were aware of the detrimental effects of activities such as cyberbullying (Boon, 2015).

Cyber Vulnerabilities

Encryption has served to lessen privacy and security breaches. However, with emergent developments in quantum computing encryption may need to become a whole lot smarter (Editor, 2023). Moreover, there are deficiencies in the delineation of human management and the rise of technology (Westergard, 2018). For instance, staffing for emergency response systems, such as fire lookouts, shipping, and lighthouses, has been reduced. Modern technology has led to the reduction of lighthouses due to the modern division of labor (Oregon State Parks, 2018). Communication and navigation networks like Global Positioning Systems are vulnerable to tampering and potential failure (Madden, 2018; Saul, 2013). If there were uncontrolled fires, workers may need to use their satellite, and cell phones, but they might not have access to a connected service, creating a gap in technology access (McFadden, 2017; Vick, 2017).


Discover and nurture your alpine spirit at Golden, British Columbia!


Reaching Out For Support

We provide a variety of support services, including mediation, counselling, and support, for instance, we can suggest to you how to facilitate social connections. 

It takes drive to reach out and ask for support, and we welcome your questions.

Contact us. You could have added mediation and counselling help with the following elements.

  • Tackling anxiety or feelings of sadness;  
  • Navigating grief and loss;  
  • Fostering self-confidence and self-respect;  
  • Strengthening positive relationships;  
  •  Enhancing communication skills;  
  • Alleviating distress and trauma;  
  • Controlling anger;  
  • Altering negative behavioural or cognitive patterns;  and,
  • Mediating interpersonal relationships.


Parks can serve as a beacon for the spirit, helping us in navigating the transitions ushered in by technology to foster connections.


Spending time in parks can offer a sanctuary to process both positive and negative emotions that you may experience. Rowing, gliding, and swiftly moving on the water evokes an unparalleled sensation. This can be an immensely gratifying encounter. You may experience unexpected obstacles along your journey, but with perseverance, you could eventually discover a harmonious resolution in your relationships. 

It often requires determination to reach out for assistance. We encourage you to reach out with any inquiries, or feedback.

You can connect us following our Blog Posts.

Ask us about our video-based sessions.

Contact Addresses

  1. C/O PO Box 8148


AB T1W 2T9

2. C/O 246 Stewart Green SW

Unit #6081

Calgary, AB T3H 3C8

Caveats to Keep in Mind When Connecting

Editor (2023) posited, “It is estimated that it would take a powerful quantum computer just seconds to break the same RSA encryption that would require trillions of years from our current computers – rendering our encryption models obsolete.” RSA Encryption utilises a pair of keys to theoretically ensure the privacy and security of online communications. The Editor (2023) urges organisations to prepare for the potential risks associated with post-quantum decryption, including data and information breaches.

People without access to computers, and the Internet may resort to using unsecured and unsafe networks and other technology, making them susceptible to data and information breaches. More privileged individuals may be forced to pay ransom to have their data restored. Additionally, wrongdoers could engage in other unlawful online activities, including credit card misuse (Bandler, 2017). Legal measures to curb such unlawful activities, such as cyberattacks, often lag behind technological advancements.

It is crucial to avoid disclosing sensitive personal information during your initial interactions. There are numerous communication methods available, such as direct emails. For further details, please consult Lim (2007). The use of encryption is prevalent across various industries, as noted by Lim, who states, “Encryption has long been a tool in the conduct of military and foreign affairs” (p. 223). These factors greatly influence our online communication practices. We do not respond to Spam.

In Closing

In this blog we explored the next topics.

Connecting with Us


Contact us by completing and emailing to us the contact form at . Readers can access a complimentary 30-minute pre-session. The contact form can be easy-to-fill online.


Our phone number is 1 (672) 974-2705 (Canada) and 1 (206) 809-1647 (United States).

Committing to Providing Inclusive and Accessible Services

Bridging the Digital Divide

You may not have access to computers and the Internet. Moreover, you could experience a training gap and lack know-how as to how to drive technology.

Reaching Out for Support

The importance of connection cannot be overstated, and we you to contact us via email or phone for further information.

Regarding Reaching Out

Considerations to Remember When Establishing Online Connections

How to contact us



Arshad, F. & Patterson, T. (2023, July 21). Businesses must not be afraid but ready for Y2Q: Huge and rapid advances in quantum computing technology threaten encryption across the internet. The Scotsman, 39.

Boon, J. (2015). The “colossal failure” of  Nova Scotia’s Cyber-Safety Act. The Coast.

Charter of Rights and Freedoms, s 7, Part 1 of the Constitution Act, 1982, being Schedule B to the Canada Act1982 (UK), 1982, c 11 a.

Editor (2006, January 6). Rostrum Solutions adds encryption technology to software. Coventry.

Li, D., Zhang, Z., Xu, D., Wang, E. (2024). Thumbnail-Preserving Encryption Technology Based on Digital Processing. Electronics, 13 (14), 2682. Association for Computer Machinery.

Lim, Y.F.  (2007). Cyberspace Law: Commentaries and Materials. Oxford University (2nd ed).


Madden, R. (2018). ECDIS: What Happens When the GPS Signal Goes Away?

Oregon State Parks (2018). Oregon Coast Lighthouses.

Saul, J. (2013). Governments confront rising threats to ships from signal jamming.

Vick, K. (2017). The digital divide: A quarter of the nation is without broadband. Time.

Westergard, B. (2018, July). Do Computers Follow Rules Once Followed by Workers. Computing Edge.